Workstation Sectioning

When we think about workplace health and safety, we generally think about manual labour jobs such as construction. However, workplace health and safety is just as important in an office setting!

There are many different factors which contribute to a safe office. The chair, how we sit in it, the keyboard and mouse all get spoken about, however today we are going to specifically focus on the zoning of the workstation as this is often over looked.

A poorly organised workstation, in conjunction with poor posture, is the perfect recipe for an overuse injury.  The way that our workstations are set up is incredibly important in order to avoid injury.

The ideal workstation is broken into 3 different sections as seen below.


Usual Work or Optimal Reach Zone
In this area you should find all most frequently used equipment to avoid excessive extended reaching. For example, your keyboard & mouse would be the main items in this space if you were using a computer.

Occasional Work or Maximum Reach Zone
As the name of this zone indicates, this zone ends at the users’ maximum reach. This area is the maximum “working” area, and objects that are needed during the day yet not frequently used should be within the area.

Non-Working Zone or Outer Reach Zone
As suggested, this zone cannot be easily reached by the user, and they would need to move in order to use the space. Typically, your computer monitor, modem, and printer would go in this zone as these are items which do not need to reach for consistently.

By setting up your workstation into these zones you will significantly reduce your risk of injury all while improving your efficiency.

At Ormond Physio, we offer Ergo Therapy which can provide guidance on your optimal ergonomics. If you have any questions, speak to your therapist or call our friendly team on 9578 6588.

If are suffering from an overuse or postural injury, book an appointment with one of our therapists today! You can do so by calling the clinic on 9578 6588 or by clicking the button below!